See below for excerpts from my new book to be published in paperback and ebook formats early 2025!

Find some joy and understanding through the relational aspects of the generations at your workplace.

See yourself and others reflected with a cultural look at how each generation moves through the collective.

To know another person’s leadership style is the best way to relate to that person, which is often employed through their age. Generational labels tend to be over-generalizations of an entire group of people and tend to be put-downs. Let’s peel off these labels, stick them somewhere else, or throw them away. Of all the different ways people move and exist on the planet, applying blanket statements to one group of people as if they are a monolithic body doesn’t make sense. People are molded and shaped in so many ways, it’s hard to pin it down, but we can find new ways to relate to one another in the workplace through the astrological lens of our Pluto placements.

Before you dismiss astrology out of hand, consider it first as a way to speak metaphorically about an energy that exists on Earth. Astrologers help us find the metaphor of what our solar system speaks to us as individuals and as a collective. It may seem odd to think that what happens here is reflected out as far as the nether regions of our solar system, but we know Pluto exists, so we find its movements to reflect ours. (Refer to Faraday’s Field for the science behind this.) Now, I know that Pluto is not considered an actual planet anymore, but at this point in astrology it’s potato-potato because Pluto was discovered by someone here on Earth, was named by a delegation who deemed the god of the Underworld as the appropriate name, and now the hidden energies of our lives are reflected back to us by this planetary body hurtling through space just as we are.

So, what does Pluto have to do with generations and leadership? As the planets move at different speeds in relation to our planet, we know that Pluto is the slowest of the slow, a tortoise in our solar system. Because Pluto takes so long to orbit the sun, it reflects a generation’s tambour of feeling that is influenced by the cultural awareness of that time and their way of relating to the world at large. The cultural implications related to a person’s age is a starting point, but don’t just decide that’s all there is. Currently in the workplace, three generations take on leadership positions. As Gen-Z and Gen-Alpha are still finding their footing, we’ll focus on Baby Boomers, Gen-X, and Millennials (also known as Gen-Y).

Generational Leadership Styles

© Kirstin Labita, 2024

Generations described by the planets

For Baby Boomers, Pluto was in Leo, symbolized by a lion, from 1937-1958, a sign that speaks to shining brightly as an individual, the roar of life, and living out loud. Their generation takes on aspects of being in a bright awareness of the future as they suffered the absorbed wounds of WW II from their parents and saw other wars take away their friends and families (this goes for both sides of the conflicts). They reflected on the past, rejected the pain and suffering, and dared to think about a time when we could all be at peace. In Western culture, it was the hippies and flower children that reflected this outwardly, while they escaped using psychedelic drugs and freed their bodies through contraception. But the god of the Underworld is there to help us transform into new ways of being, so for some living out loud meant throwing off the shackles of denigration through the Civil Rights movement and other social unrest that happened during that time. They saw their sex partners change more readily and realized they could be themselves in any way they wanted so took that to the level of an art form. Many people now call this group the ‘Me Generation’ which can be accurate but feels a bit like a put-down. But note that Black Lives Matter, #MeToo, and even the LGBTQIA+ movement all have their roots in this time of civil unrest. It was ‘Boomers' who showed us how to protest, to live out loud unabashedly, and to call on the powers that be to take a stand for what is right through their social justice instincts of being in a body and part of a collective.

Baby Boomers in the US (and I can only assume around the world) were also formed by events such as the moon landing and the assassinations of President Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Robert Kennedy, all within a short period of time. Apartheid in South Africa and Communism were forces to be reckoned with as people during this era watched the McCarthy brand of fear shape and form their psyches. This was a real fear and was their version of a witch hunt, though it was anything but. It was about being true to who you believe in and the only people they could find was themselves. They brought the teenage angst story to the forefront and termed it as an aggression, not as an act of forgiveness on our bodies. But their version of living out loud has dominated our workforce as we promote through ‘performance reviews’ and other like-minded aspects such as giving presentations and becoming our own brands, as if the miscommunication between self and other needs to be stylistically on Target, another brand that was established in the 1960s.

The style of leadership of a Baby Boomer may relate to the more performative aspects of a business or organization. They may be great at sharing who they are as individuals and serve to bring others up in the same manner. They might also have a megaphone that blasts their accomplishments which can feel exhilarating to some, inauthentic to others. Edging towards retirement, some may feel more than ready to do their own thing, while others may have a hard time letting go of what makes them feel like they are shining brightly in the collective.

Baby Boomers

© Kirstin Labita, 2024

Baby Boomers are considered Leos

Gen-Xers, my generation, is split into two Pluto placements: Virgo and Libra. Virgo is known for being analytical while Libra believes we all deserve harmony.

Pluto was in Virgo from 1956-1972, and symbolizes a generation that analyzed our culture and decided Reality Bites, a subversive or jaded perception of the culture, which explains our interest in doing things our own way, the rise of punk, hip-hop, grunge, and other counter-culture aspects. Virgo is the sign of the maiden, symbolizing wholeness unto ourselves without outside influences. With Pluto there to shake things up, the culture as a whole became dubious of large corporations and institutions that lacked the independent spirit of being an individual. Things were up for a grab bag of who we believed in and who we saw as false or inauthentic. Gen X-ers don’t always get it right, but they get authenticity in all its ways, which may be the rub between them and their parents’ generation. They feel the exact cause of truth and justice to be how they relate to others, which is a thinking-feeling way of being in the world, not a body that is shining brightly in terms of finding your voice. They have a leadership style that tells you to find your own way and may be more hands-off than others are comfortable with. But if you can find your truth of the situation, Pluto in Virgo leaders will help you get what you need and keep you protected while you find The Force.

Pluto in Libra from 1971-1984 (Note that some people think they are Millennials when they are actually Gen-Xers based on this system!) is reflected in the belief of social justice issues as the cause of humanity’s uprising and seek to make changes so that everyone can get along, as Rodney King pleaded for in LA in the 1990s. Libra, symbolized by a set of scales, is the sign of equality through justice and the relational aspects of our lives by energy shared through communion with others. Therefore, what is important to us is important to the collective because we view it as a communal relationship. With Pluto in communion with Lady Justice, our scales were set right to the tunes of U2, Public Enemy, Us3, and other music acts known for their social justice lyrics. We saw the Berlin Wall crumble in Germany, apartheid release its grip in South Africa in the form of freeing Nelson Mandela, and the injustice of the Tiananmen Square protests made the world sit up and take notice. Here in the US, our generation was launched by the space shuttle Challenger blowing up before it even reached altitude and the tears of a nation flowed for the entire crew, including a teacher who represented our belief in the future. The jaded outlook that our generation is known for may have found its way into our hearts as we watched our bright future blowing up in the sky and saw our parents’ fear come full circle.

Our leadership style may look more like truth and justice in the workplace alongside the need to be authentic in all its forms. We feel the wounds of being denigrated more smartly than others because it triggers our injustice aspects and we either work to set things right or ‘drop the mike’ so to speak, and walk away because our antithetical genes are about being dismissive of all things corporate. We feel in our power when we are lifted up by others and find joy in the teamwork aspects of work. Those of us who are also Libra sun signs believe in the power of the collective to bring about change on Earth. If you are a Libra sun in this generation, with Pluto standing by your side, you have the ability for deep change that also shines brightly on others in the communal aspects of your life. But take note that you are also called to step out into the collective and be more performative like your parents.

Gen X

© Kirstin Labita, 2024

Gen-Xers are considered Libras and Virgos

The Pluto in Scorpio generation, or Millennials, is about going deep into the emotional tides of understanding through the power of being connected. Scorpio is known for its mysterious side and Pluto brings us into the Underworld to discover change and transformation, so this generation loves a good mystery that is about the abundance of power in the collective consciousness. This energy is reflected in conspiracy theories and other ‘orchestral manoeuvres in the dark’ — to use the UK electronic pop band name — that causes people to think twice about what’s really going on underneath. Gen-Y’s formative years were impacted by experiencing the seemingly steady systems of government and finance breakdown through the terrorism that brought down the two towers of 9/11, the subsequent bombing of Baghdad, and the financial crisis of 2008, which had a ripple effect across the globe. The superhero energy ramped up during that time as the entire collective looked for solutions outside themselves and Millennials absorbed the wounds of fear and unworthiness of the planet. We were all looking for a superhero to come along and save us, but Millennials felt the power within themselves and transferred it into their leadership style.

Don’t find yourself under water if you are a Millennial as there are not as many out there as the storybooks say. Pluto was only in Scorpio from 1983-1995, so this generation makes up a smaller group according to the planetary placements. But still, Millennials got a lot of press — good and bad — for being a transforming generation, mainly due to their size and supposed buying power; the almighty dollar at work in our conscious collective. “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” is not a saying for this generation, which is their main staying power. They question the status quo about everything and anything, which shakes people awake, too vigorously for some, causing them to get annoyed with the Millennials in their group. Millennials are the cause of change and transformation in the collective as they ask ‘why’ so many times that Gen-Xers may feel like they are answering a toddler’s constant stream of questions, making their alternative name, Gen-Y, a perfect fit. It feels like a lot, which is a consistent term for Millennials - ‘a lot.’ But believe in their power to question the status quo, wake us up to our outdated belief systems, and make us more aware of the subterranean aspects of society at large. Without them, we would not be as woke.

Millennial leadership style is about — you guessed it — questioning the status quo and why things are the way they are. They don’t believe in the systems already in place and so they are in the workplace to shake things up. Why can’t we have more vacation and sick days? Why can’t I have that power position before I’m 30? Why can’t I do things my own way? They may wear others down with their topics of transformation, but we will all be happier with part-time work days and full benefits despite the collective rolling of eyes. When the transfer switch of perspective happens, we all benefit and Millennials are here to lead the way.

Millennial/ Gen Y

© Kirstin Labita, 2024

GenY-Millenials are considered Scorpios

Even as we talk about the generations in these general ways (notice the root of those two words), we are all individuals with our own nervous systems so we still see and process things differently. One person may seek to right the injustices of poverty while another focuses on the environment. And, how we do it is different as well. One person may work through their religious institution while another decides to study it in college and work in that field. So you see, the over-generalizations don’t work and they only serve to put people down and make them feel like they don’t belong because someone else decided this is how an entire generation of people should look like, act like, and be like.

When Baby Boomers switch to their highest selves, they are free-spirited, uproariously funny, and inquisitive. When Gen-Xers believe in themselves, they find time to care for one another and disregard their jaded point of view. And when Millennials stop asking ‘why’… no I’m just kidding, they’ll never stop asking why, which is why they’re here.

(That one’s for you Corinne, my Millennial sister. ;)

Wrapping It Up

Generations are layered to work together

Table of Contents — Extended

  • Enacting Change Through Inner Strength, Mindfulness Demystified, A New System of Healing Through Emotions, Skip Ahead - Candyland for Readers, Are you Creative? YES!!

  • Creativity: A Leveled Approach, Level Up Your Creative Process, How Our Minds Create, Language and the Sneak

  • How Shame Blocks Our Bodies, Freeing the Pools of Creative Energy, Frequencies of Color and Light, Unrequited Love Frequency, Healing with Frequencies,

  • System Maintenance for Creative Well-Being, Perfectionism as Creative Block, Finding Your ‘Wei’, Joining the Images of Perfection with Imperfection,

  • Cycling Through Creativity, Marking the Seasons of Time, Equinoxes and Solstices,

  • Nourish Your Creative Process Through Concept, No Mood Boards!, Be Inspired, Research and Data Collection, Don’t Forget Your X-acto Blade,

  • Organizational vs. Individual Values + Identity, Brands, A New Level of Teamwork, The Elusive Creative Culture, Creative Work and Money, Gender and Ethnic roles of Mis-compensation in the Work Place, In Defense of Ego,

  • New Perspectives on Change Agents, Paracelsus and Air Fairies, Top 10 Denigrating Leadership Styles, Double Vector in Business, Generational Leadership Styles, Forgiveness Loans in Terms of Healing

  • The Science of Flow Theory, Levels of Flow

  • A New Description of Emotional Overwhelm, Solid vs. Void, Speaking into the Void

  • Does This Stuff Really Work?, Science: Faraday’s Field and Maxwell’s Switch, Energy Healing Techniques, Words Have Power, Mind-Heart-Gut Connection, Using My Healing Techniques

  • Timefield Platforms, Judging Teens, Past Lives and Timefields, Collective Timefields, Native Culture Wound Healing - Start Now!, The Energetics of Sacred Places and Spaces

  • Resetting Rhythms of Behavior, Tattoos of the Earth, Judgment Errors that Release the Cortisol Response, Time and Memory, Writing for Soul Exploration Instead of Gratitude, Rethinking Patterns of Behavior for Weight Loss, Belief Systems and Food

  • Healing Emotions Related to Addiction, Even More Science: Newton’s Third Law of Motion, For Codependents and Others, Partnerships

  • Past Life Emotional Energies, Tidal Locking and Sequencing, Societal Impacts on the Nervous System, Parasympathetic Emotional Healing and Regeneration

  • Healing Through Body Awareness and Movement, Trip the Light Fantastic, Postural Olympics, Body Healing for Women, Wish Fulfillment and Sublimation, Slow Your Roll

  • Astrological Source Codes and Interceptions, Healing from Natal Charts, Intercepted Natal Charts, Why am I Like This?, Healing Power of Light and Water

  • Energy Healing in our New Existence on Earth, A Note About Guides and Channeling