Wish Fulfillment
Find your wishes fulfilled here and harness the power of energy. Enjoy!
Postural Olympics
Body Types of Energy, Not Mass
Your body type relates to how you view the world and what your belief systems are. If you are a get-up-and-go kind of person, your body type is telling you to move quickly and out towards your goal. So for you, ‘high octane’ workouts work wonders for being in a body. This is the running and kickboxing we’re all familiar with where we move our bodies vigorously in tune to a more upbeat playlist of music. But if your body type is slower — and this is not a judgment because this is my type — you will likely have issues with the exercises above.
Begin by understanding your energetic body type — and there are many so don’t feel like you need to go to a chart to find out. You are you and know how you like to move and feel in your body. If you haven’t already, now is the time to ‘look it up,' so to speak, through your connection to nature. We don’t believe our bodies exist in nature, especially those of us who live in urban environments. But we are of nature and it exists even in dense cities. Once you have a feeling about your body type, feel into the nature of it and liken it to something else within a natural habitat: a hawk, rabbit, deer, tree, boulder — whatever works — it’s a metaphor for you to understand how you like to move.
A tree may be more into bending and swaying in the breeze, like T’ai Chi and a rabbit would be more interested in short bursts of running or hopping. A gazelle is interested in long-distance running across the Savannah — you get the point. All of these metaphors are appropriate to people's behaviors because we all see them in nature and are of nature. Now, a tortoise gets a bad rap about being slow, but time and posture help the tortoise win the race, so don’t force yourself into a type you think you should be. There is a way to move for everyone and all the ways are right and good. Stop comparing yourself to others. In this way you will find an understanding of yourself and any weight gain you may be struggling with will likely come off easier because you are not forcing yourself into something you don’t want to do or will regret in the morning when you’re stiff and tired.
Wish Fulfillment
Sublimating Our Dreams into Form
When we wish for something, we are bringing it to light through conscious awareness and we can use postural olympics to get us there. Knowing how your energy likes to flow in and around your body makes you aware of how you manifest your dreams. If you are a turtle, they arrive slow and steady; if you are an energy like the wind, you decide which type — easy-breezy or sudden and changeable, for example. But, just because you like your wishes to show up quickly, doesn’t mean they will. There is an access point in your mind that allows you to see beyond the ordinary in terms of love, joy, and avasa. You bring it through every time you have an instantaneous visualization of a friend being in your house; house as symbolic to self. And so you can bring in wish fulfillment through that sublimated energy. It’s time that causes the energy to move toward fulfilling your wish.
Energetically, your mind is more responsive than your body to understanding what’s happening in the body. The body is aligned with the divine but not at all times whereas the mind can detect energies outside its domain of influence. We know that we often have to work for our dreams. But we can also help ourselves by keeping our body and mind in alignment with what our heart desires. By telling your mind through words and your body through actions — their love languages, so to speak — we can affect greater change by releasing the blocks from each. This is why you first go through ‘Postural Olympics’ and then make the wish statement; it feeds each so our heart’s desire comes true faster through the typical path of least resistance. It should feel effortless.
We need time and space to earn the ‘paycheck’ of our desires, which we can do if we sublimate the energies of time. At work, we take a two-week progression on our paychecks and earn the money owed to us in the future. After two weeks’ worth of work, we get the money as a consequence of our actions. Same thing with wish fulfillment sublimation — I agree to a ‘contract’ of wish fulfillment, or manifestation. I then work to get it there through actions of awareness and awakening my body to become more aligned with the desire. Here’s an example:
“I wish to be an actor” is an awareness, but we know that we need to do certain things to get there: audition for a role, learn your lines, and become more aware of your denigration patterns by letting go of fear and shame to be on stage in front of people, etc. So when you’re finally done and the lights go up on the stage, you are fully aware of being an actor who has sublimated that wish into an understanding of your desired outcome. You have transformed the energy of a wish through action into an actual down-to-earth event.
This statement sublimates, or transforms, time to help you fulfill your wishes by putting you in alignment with them.
Wish Fulfillment Statement:
“I request access to my body’s energy of love in my heart and in my body for wish fulfillment. I ask that the day's energies bring change and transformation in my body, heart, and mind. I sublimate my energies of time to align with my wish fulfillment.
And so it is.”